Regenerative Medicine for Pain Management

Regenerative Medicine for Pain Management

When treating and managing pain, regenerative medicine has become a powerful tool that can treat injuries and conditions. Doctors or patients might choose regenerative medicine for pain management because it relies on the body’s natural healing processes that could help patients recover more quickly and thoroughly. Doctors may also prefer it because it is far less invasive than surgery and usually only requires one or a few quick procedures with little to no downtime or medication.

What is pain management?

While most pain management is for chronic pain, there are different types of pain and different ways to resolve each issue. Pain management focuses on diagnosing and effectively treating a patient’s pain. Since regenerative medicine can regenerate new, healthy cells in place of damaged ones, it attempts to address the root of the problem.

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine is a field of science and medicine that attempts to use the body’s natural healing processes to accelerate healing, decrease recovery time, and help you get back to doing the things you love.

It relies on regeneration, the natural process your body uses to repair most injuries. For instance, platelets rush to the area and assist in this process when you get a cut. As new cells forms, your skin regenerates, and the wound closes.

Regenerative medicine uses this same process but uses more of your cells in the affected area to try and trigger a more robust healing response than your body could on its own.

What is acute pain?

Acute pain is usually the result of a sudden, clearly-defined incident like an accident or injury. This pain typically disappears once the underlying condition is treated, like a sprained ankle from playing soccer.

Why choose regenerative medicine for acute pain management and recovery?

Since regenerative medicine relies on the body’s natural healing processes, you can regenerate your body instead of altering it. Regenerative medicine is typically far less invasive than surgery and can help circumvent the need for certain medications and their side effects.

Treating acute pain is typically easier than chronic pain because once the source of the issue is treated, the pain should go away with it. Musculoskeletal pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide, but regenerative medicine could be poised to change that. Techniques like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and cell-based therapies can reduce pain and accelerate recovery.

Regenerative medicine can shorten recovery time since it can accelerate the body’s natural healing processes. The minimally invasive procedure is done on the same day using your cells, and most patients can return to work the following day and begin to see results within the following weeks.

Even Tiger Woods used PRP treatments to stay on course through some of his acute pain caused by sports injuries. These regenerative medicine techniques could also potentially accelerate recovery from surgery.

What is chronic pain?

Chronic pain is a lingering, lasting pain that persists for weeks, months, or years. This pain can be much more challenging to treat since it often comes from an underlying condition that can not be treated, like a sprained ankle. For instance, knee osteoarthritis is a severe issue that causes chronic pain.

Why choose regenerative medicine for chronic pain management and recovery?

Chronic pain is the  second leading cause of disability in the world and can often lack a method of effective treatment. Reducing symptoms rather than eliminating them is the typical target of most modern treatments. Regenerative medicine can reduce pain, increase mobility, and improve your quality of life. However, it differs in that it could regenerate the affected area and eliminate the cause of the pain, depending on the condition.

As with acute pain, regenerative medicine relies on the body’s natural healing processes, so you stand a chance of regenerating your body. It’s also much less invasive and painful than surgery and can help reduce the need for certain medications and their side effects. Since taking medications over a long period could increase the likelihood of dangerous side effects, this is often important to patients with chronic pain.

For instance, celebrity Yolanda Hadid used stem cell therapy to combat Lyme Disease, which had left her unable to read or even watch TV. Even golf legend Jack Nicklaus treated his back pain with stem cell therapy so he could continue playing golf.

Want to know more? Explore the complete list of conditions regenerative medicine could help treat or contact a regenerative medicine doctor to speak about your issue in-depth.

What regenerative medicine services help with pain management?

While it depends on your issue, there are many options. For instance, regenerative medicine services like PRP and cell-based therapies (AKA cell therapy) involving MSCs could treat numerous conditions and injuries.

Many patients are being able to remain hopeful for a positive outcome as a result of the many regenerative medicine treatments available today. For those seeking pain management for conditions ranging from arthritis and sports injuries to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), options may be available.

Do you have questions about your painful injury or condition? Contact a regenerative medicine doctor to discuss your case and get your needed answers today.

Can you get financing for regenerative medicine for pain management?

If you’re considering regenerative medicine as a potential solution to your pain management regimen, your finances may already be stretched thin. If so, you’re in luck because there is financing for regenerative medicine in the USA. United States military members can even get a military discount as a token of appreciation for their service.