What Causes Pain Around Ribs and Back Symptoms


To discover what causes pain around ribs and back symptoms, here are the things that you should know:

The thoracic region supports the spinal cord, which bears the weight of our upper body. Problems with ligaments or muscles in this area can cause intense pain around the ribcage and back. This pain may adversely affect your regular activities, such as experiencing sore arms, stiffness in back muscles, and moderate pain between your shoulders.

Inflammation, back rib injury, disc herniation, strained back muscles, and irritation are typical reasons for rib discomfort and back symptoms. Yet, prompt therapy might help you relieve back discomfort and rib pain.

Your doctor could advise you to use either cold or hot compresses to improve blood flow to the affected area of your body. More in the know, doctors would also recommend a class II medical device known as pEMF (pulse electronic magnetic field) to super charge that increases blood flow down to tiny capillaries that carry oxygenated blood and increases its flow throughout the body.  Exercises that improve posture stretches and orthobiologic therapies ease rib and back pain.

Causes of Pain Around Rib and Back Symptoms

Severe middle and upper back pain can result from various underlying medical issues. The most typical ones consist of the following:

Intercostal Muscle Strain

The intercostal muscles are located within the rib cage. When there is a violent upper body twist or a significant injury to the back, these muscles can become strained or torn. Strained intercostal muscles can compress the rib cage, resulting in severe and excruciating pain in the middle and upper back regions. This discomfort may even spread to other body areas in extreme cases.

Athletes with sedentary jobs that involve prolonged sitting and those who perform physically demanding tasks often experience intercostal muscle strain. If you want to determine whether the discomfort in your back and ribs is coming from strained intercostal muscles, you can search for these symptoms:

  • Pain when moving the upper body
  • Muscle spasm in your back
  • Swelling in your back

Intercostal Neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia occurs when inflammation in the thoracic region damages the nerves within your rib cage. Thoracic (rib and back) nerve injury is frequent and primarily brought on by aging, trauma, back surgery, and normal wear and tear.

Intercostal nerves cause muscle, rib, and back skin sensations. Sharp discomfort in the upper thigh, back, and shoulder blades can result from any injury to these nerves. Frozen shoulders, irregular sleeping patterns, excruciating pain in the middle chest and back, and decreased appetite are all possible complications of intercostal neuralgia.

The following are some more intercostal neuralgia signs and symptoms:

  • You experience back, arm, or shoulder twitching and spasms.
  • Back muscle tension, especially in the upper and middle portions
  • Loss of sensation in various bodily parts


Inflammation of the joint, especially in the chest, between the rib cage and the breastbone is called costochondritis. It frequently begins from the left shoulder blade and causes scorching back and left chest pain. This pain may develop into chronic pain if not treated quickly.

As you cough or sneeze, your chest pain may become more severe. The pain affects the front of your chest, rib cage, and center back.

What Causes Pain Around Ribs and Back Symptoms

Bad posture

Bad posture stresses your ribs and entire back while pressing on the spinal cord’s nerves, and you consequently experience excruciating back pain and suffering. The middle, upper, and lower back and neck can cause pain and irritation due to pinched nerves.

Long periods spent in front of a computer commonly cause lousy posture. A study found that those who use computers had a higher chance of developing back discomfort than people who do not.


Inflammation of the small airways found within the lungs, known as bronchial tubes, is known as bronchitis.

The same virus responsible for the flu or perhaps the common cold also causes acute bronchitis, also known as a “chest cold,” which manifests itself rapidly. Chronically this recurs throughout two years and lasts for at least three months. It is brought on by smoking cigarettes or exposure to other contaminants.

Gastric reflux and a compromised immune system are additional risk factors (heartburn.)

In addition to a cough that produces clear, yellowish, or greenish mucus, other symptoms include chest discomfort, mild headaches, body aches, weariness, and shortness of breath.

Pneumonia can result from acute bronchitis. Treatment is necessary for chronic bronchitis, a kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Medical professionals use sputum testing and chest X-rays to diagnose respiratory conditions.

Acute bronchitis requires adequate supportive care, including rest, drinks, and over-the-counter painkillers, lasting 7 to 10 days. Viral infection is not treatable with antibiotics.

Treatment for chronic bronchitis includes changing one’s lifestyle, including quitting smoking and using an inhaler or other lung medication.

The most extraordinary preventative measures include flu vaccines, frequent hand washing, and quitting smoking.


There are two distinct digestive conditions: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We don’t fully understand the causes of both IBS and IBD.

Your abdomen, the region from the chest down to the hips, experiences chronic, lingering pain if you have IBS or IBD. IBS or IBD may result in soreness under the left rib cage. Diarrhea, constipation, and gas are digestive symptoms of these diseases.

The symptoms could come and go. Usually, IBS symptoms become better following a bowel movement. Your intestines undergo physical alterations due to the more severe illness IB, and imaging tests can help a doctor spot these modifications.

Spinal Disc Problems

Herniated or ruptured spinal discs are referred to as disc herniation. Middle back pain is a common symptom of this illness, which is made worse by movements of the upper body or waist twisting. Also possible is an excruciating neck ache.

Spinal injuries can also impact the nerves, resulting in excruciating headaches and neurological problems. They may also result in persistent stomach aches. The herniated thoracic disc causes debilitating, sudden, acute pain.

Yet, a herniated disc might occasionally cause you to experience no back discomfort at all. Here are a few typical signs of spinal disc problems:

  • Pain that affects every part of the body
  • Numbness in legs
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle stiffness

Other Causes of Pain Around Rib and Back

Back pain and ribcage pain are two more internal organ-related complaints. They consist of the following:

  • Rib injuries
  • Pleurisy (inflammation in the lung lining)
  • Gallstones
  • Collapsed lung
  • Kidney stones
  • Myofascial pain syndrome (muscle pain)
  • Arthritis

Risk Factors for Rib and Back Pain


Various factors, ranging from mild to severe, can cause rib and back pain. Individuals must understand the risk factors associated with rib and back pain to take preventive measures and seek appropriate medical care when needed. Here are some common risk factors for rib and back pain:

  • Poor posture. Poor posture can strain the muscles and ligaments in the rib cage and back, leading to pain. Slouching, hunching over a desk, or sitting for long periods without proper ergonomics can contribute to rib and back pain.
  • Trauma or injury. Accidents of falls or direct blows to the rib cage or back can result in rib fractures, muscle strains, or ligament sprains, causing localized pain or discomfort.
  • Repeated or excessive motions. Activities that involve repetitive motions or overuse of the rib cage or back muscles, such as heavy lifting, repetitive twisting, or sports with repetitive motions, can increase the risk of developing rib and back pain.
  • Age-related degeneration. Degenerative changes in the spine, such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease, are more familiar with age and can result in chronic rib and back pain.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Lack of regular exercise or a sedentary lifestyle can weaken the muscles supporting the rib cage and back, making them more susceptible to strain and pain.
  • Obesity. Carrying excess body weight, especially around the midsection, can increase the strain on the rib cage and back, leading to discomfort or pain.
  • Poor core muscle strength. Weak core muscles, including the abdominal and back muscles, can lead to imbalances in the spine and rib cage, increasing the risk of developing rib and back pain.
  • Smoking. Smoking can impair blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues, including those in the rib cage and back, leading to increased pain and slower healing of injuries.
  • Medical conditions. Certain medical conditions, such as scoliosis, herniated disc, osteoporosis, or fibromyalgia, can increase the risk of developing rib and back pain.
  • Psychological factors and stress. High levels of stress, anxiety, or depression can manifest as tension in the rib cage and back muscles, leading to pain or discomfort.

It’s important to note that risk factors increase the likelihood of developing rib and back pain but are not definitive causes. Each individual’s experience with rib and back pain may vary, and a combination of factors may contribute to the onset of symptoms. If you are experiencing rib and back pain, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.

How To Treat Pain Around Rib and Back

You can try various natural treatments depending on what’s causing your back and rib area pain. Natural treatments are incredibly effective at treating back issues and minor rib discomfort. But, if these approaches are unsuccessful, your doctor may advise you to undergo a surgical operation or non-invasive treatment.

Cold or Warm Compress

If you experience back pain or pain around the ribs due to inflammation or swelling, apply a cold pack to the affected area to reduce swelling. Afterward, apply a warm compress to improve blood flow and ease muscle stiffness.

For a 20-minute cold compress, apply a bag of frozen peas or crushed ice to your upper or middle back. Utilize a hot water bottle as a heat compress on the area for about 20 minutes to ease muscle stiffness. Doing this for two to three days will effectively relieve your back pains and rib pain.

Better posture

If your posture improves, your rib cage will feel less stressed and under pressure. According to a study, improving posture is an effective treatment for treating middle, upper, and lower shoulder and back discomfort. You need to develop good computer chair posture and walking techniques.


Physical activity can also improve posture and reduce rib and back discomfort. Stretching, for example, improves muscle strength, manages back pain, and reduces muscle stress. Also, it strengthens the range of motion and supports your upper body.

The prayer stretch might be the ideal stretching exercise for back pain relief, and it calms the thoracic region’s irritated discs and ligaments. In addition to stretching, strengthening activities can help you manage back and ribcage pain.

Stem Cell Therapy

For a more permanent solution, stem cell therapy for your back pain has been shown to be helpful in alleviating both pain around your ribs and back symptoms.


Given the numerous organs in the upper left portion of the body, it is common to experience pain underneath the left rib cage. This pain can be caused by a condition that is often easily treatable.

Suppose you experience worsening, significant pain under the left rib cage that persists for more than 24 hours or is accompanied by any of the risky symptoms mentioned above. In that case, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention to rule out any underlying issues.

Don’t Let Rib and Back Pain Hold You Back – Take Action Today

Are you struggling with unexplained pain around your ribs and back? Don’t suffer in silence! Discover the underlying causes of this discomfort and take action today. Schedule a consultation or appointment at Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy to learn more about possible causes and effective solutions for rib and back pain, or call us at (702) 547-6565. We’ll be happy to discuss the benefits of Las Vegas Stem Cell therapy with you. Say goodbye to the agony and get the relief you deserve. Don’t wait – take the first step towards a pain-free life now!