Is Cellular therapy an Effective Treatment for Paresthesia?


Have You Tried Treating Your Paresthesia With Cellular Therapy? Regenerative Medicine Could Hold The Secret To Finally Repairing Your Damaged Nerves. 

Paresthesia is something we’ve all experienced. If you’ve ever slept on your arm weirdly and woken up with pins and needles, that’s paresthesia. It’s not pleasant, and it’s not always temporary for chronic sufferers.

A common misconception is that paresthesia is caused by cutting off blood flow to that area. When you sleep on your arm or sit with your legs crossed for too long you’ve put your nerve in a position it doesn’t want to be in

Healthy people can stand and walk around until the feeling returns to their dead leg; however, if this starts to happen often, you can’t dismiss your symptoms. 

Chronic paresthesia can indicate an underlying medical condition like nerve damage or an early warning for a central nervous system disease – such as a stroke. 

It’s hard to lose confidence in your health and body, and living in pain or discomfort is harder.


Is Cellular Therapy an Effective Treatment for Paresthesia?

Whether or not cellular therapy could be an effective treatment for you depends on the root cause of your paresthesia.The regenerative medicine used in our state-of-the-art cellular therapy procedures is unique because they have the remarkable ability to signal the regrowth of nerves and kick-start the body’s natural repairing process. 

Stem cell treatments can relieve paresthesia symptoms when nerve damage or trauma causes your paresthesia.

There are several potential causes of paresthesia.


Possible causes of paresthesia include the following:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Accident or injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Burns
  • TIA or transport ischemic attack
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Reynaud’s phenomenon

If you experience any of these and your symptoms persist, you should consult with a doctor who can guide you on an appropriate diagnosis and, if necessary, a care plan.


What causes paresthesia?

For me, it all started with a red light. In November 2018, I brought my vehicle to a stop at a red light. The driver behind me did not, and the impact launched my car through the intersection. It resulted in multiple herniated discs and a bulging disc, creating problems for my neck and back nerves.

They believe this causes paresthesia in my arms, legs, hands, feet, and head. As I write, I feel my left forearm and right-hand tingling and burning with sharp sensations. These tingling sensations travel from place to place, sometimes in my legs, other times in my arms, or even my back, shoulders, and forehead. These sensations often worsen at night and sometimes wake me, especially when my leg is burning.

These are typical symptoms for someone in an accident like mine. A traumatic incident does not cause all paresthesia; sometimes, paresthesia onset can bequite delayed.


Possible causes of paresthesia include the following:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Accident or injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Burns
  • TIA or transport ischemic attack
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Reynaud’s phenomenon

Cutting-edge research studies the effectiveness of treating all these conditions with stem cells. Results vary from condition to condition. 

HSCI scientists are examining how to treat diabetes with cellular therapies. Their goal is to develop glucose-detecting, producing beta cells for insulin, and hopefully,these cells will positively impact both type I and type II diabetes

The anti-inflammation properties of these cells are why they are such an effective treatment for many conditions.Cell Therapy inhibits inflammation. In doing so, they allow the body to move onto its next stage of healing – regeneration. 

Studies have shown that regenerative healing and reduced inflammation benefit carpal tunnel syndrome, another potential symptom of paresthesia.

Recently, promising research has surfaced using cell therapy to reset the immune systems of MS patientsso their immune systems will stop attacking their myelin


Where Do These Cells Come From?

Cells are found in your body where you act as your donor. Over the past six years, we have found that cells sourced from a cGMP lab in Florida provide the safest and most effective product RHEO. See our product page.

We know the body can heal itself, and this process depends on the availability of MSCs in the body. Using our cells is an ethical way to move cells to a part of the body where they are needed most, and it’s called cell transplantation.

Scientists used to think that MSCs could only be found in sufficient quantities in the bone marrow. However, the cells are extracted from blood, amniotic fluid, and newly sourced fat to deliver healthy cells. Extracting stem cells from fat is more accessible and less intrusive than bone marrow. Now we know better, which is excellent for anyone considering stem cell therapy, as it’s improved every aspect of the procedure.

The procedure involves taking a little blood from the patient’s arm and separating the red blood cells from the platelet-rich plasma in a centrifuge. The procedure concludes by injecting the cells back into your body, where they can begin to help and heal.

In addition, umbilical-derived stem cells come from live births, and the afterbirth material can heal patients. It is a safe and common practice in regenerative medicine.


How Do Cells Heal Paresthesia?

These cells are the body’s building blocks, and what type of cell they will become isn’t prewritten.

They are unspecialized cells, and only after they are injected into the body do they assign themselves a purpose. Specializing cells can develop from unspecialized cells, including blood cells, heart muscle cells, or nerve cells.

We’ve only been able to study and learn about these cells for two decades, and science still needs to understand how this all works properly, but from what we’ve observed, it’s clear the human body is an intelligent machine.

Even though it has all the necessary genes, a liver cell usually cannot perform the functions of a skin cell. MSCs have a chemical awareness of what type of cells live around them and what type of cells they should recruit to benefit that area of the body. 

If the root cause of your paresthesia is nerve damage, we want these cells to heal nerve cells. 

Science suggests thatthese cells can promote the repair of nerve cells by mediating the chemical switches we call our genes, which is remarkable since nerve cells don’t reproduce except when we are infants and very briefly in our teenage years.  

That’s why the medical community is so excited about Regenerative cellular technology. It’s why we study cells for their potential to heal neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia and why cellular therapy may be adequate to help with arthritis and paresthesia. 


What’s Involved in a Cell Therapy Procedure?

Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy Clinic and Team
The team at Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy, a Regenerative cell therapy clinic proudly headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.


These procedures are quick and easy, with minimal downtime and minimal recovery restrictions. While not yet approved by the FDA, much evidence suggests thatcellular therapy could be an effective treatment method for many patients.

Most patients return to work the following day and return to normal activities quickly.

The Las Vegas-based Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy team offers solutions that could regenerate your damaged nerves.

At Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy in Las Vegas, Nevada, our mission is to ensure you receive the care you need in a safe and controlled environment. Although regenerative medicine may appear intimidating, starting with an expert clinic that follows high-quality standards and has safe & seemingly very effective practices is much simpler.

To get started, you can:

  • Call (702) 547-6565
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Throughout your journey, we’ll be your partner for any questions about PRP or cell therapy. Contact us today to book a free consultation, and we’ll help you discover if stem cell therapy could be the right choice for you. We can’t wait to hear from you!

The Las Vegas-based Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy team offers solutions that could regenerate your damaged nerves.