Regenerative Cell Therapy Research, Studies, and More
How do I find the right cell therapy clinic?
Dr. Dale Carrison tells you how to find the best stem cell therapy clinic near you.
How do I choose the right doctor?
You should look at everything they have to offer, and the legacy they've left behind. An experienced doctor like Dr. Dale Carrison is a prime choice when it comes to finding the best stem cell therapy doctor around.
How do I find an experienced doctor?
With almost 30 years of experience as an emergency physician, Dr. Dale Carrison represents the level of care that Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy stands for. We're proud to have him as a member of our team.
How do I find an award-winning doctor?
For an award-winning doctor, take a look at Dr. Dale Carrison, DO. He's an experienced, knowledge, and personable doctor well-loved by hospital staff and his community alike.
What is the cell therapy revolution?
Cellular Therapies are revolutionizing modern medicine. For those with access to regenerative medicine, so much more is possible than most people ever thought could be real. Check out this post on the stem cell revolution to learn more.
Enrichment of autologous fat grafts with ex-vivo expanded adipose tissue-derived stem cells for graft survival: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.
This 2013 study explores the viability of using stem cells in a clinical setting with excellent results.
Regenerative medicine has a bright future.
Between the army and Duke University, many organizations have been researching and applying regenerative medicine to replace severely burned skin, hands, faces, and damaged spinal cords. The more we learn about regenerative medicine, the more it surprises us.
Cell therapy is the future of anti-aging.
Imagine looking in the mirror only to look ten years younger. PRP facials and stem cell therapy can be used to potentially pause and even reverse the signs of aging.
Cells: the future of medicine.
Stem cells can take cells from your body and turn them into other cells that could help you recover from injuries and heal faster.
How cell therapy will shape tomorrow's future.
Experts in this article discuss stem cell treatments for cancer, neurosurgery, orthopedics, pediatrics.
Cardiac regeneration and regenerative cells.
This study discusses how numerous studies are now reporting that the adult heart may indeed be capable of regeneration, which gives us a promising outlook on the future of the leading cause of death in the developed world.
Heart attack victims: Cell therapy offers promise.
A recent study from Penn State details how researchers coaxed ordinary skin cells to grow into heart cells.
Replenishing a protein could improve healing properties of cell therapy after heart attack.
A new study shows that a protein infused into the bloodstream can improve the healing properties of stem cell therapy in animal models of the disease.
Biological comparison of mesenchymal somatic cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissue.
This study indicated that while both cell types engrafted in multiple regions throughout the brain, the adipose tissue derived MSCs persisted in the brain for longer periods of time.
Adult cells collected from fat may have use in anti-aging treatments.
According to researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, these cells are more stable than previously thought.
Cells from fat mend bone, cartilage, muscle and even the heart.
This article asserts that adipose tissue is a natural storehouse of healing cells capable of regenerating many parts of the body not previously thought possible.
Cells collected from fat may have use in anti-aging treatments.
This 2017 study shows that adipose stem cells could help with anti-aging treatments.
Former pro-archer finds pain relief from cell treatments.
John Dudley, a huge name among archers, gets treatment after years of pain and the pain is gone in one week.
Patient uses fat cells to repair his wrist.
In a procedure with little to no risk of rejection, Bill Marlette heals damage to his wrist, regenerates cartilage, and beats pain.
Two pitchers vouch for new procedures that could speed up recovery from injury.
Seth Manes and Drew Pomeranz both received stem cell treatments to help improve their chances of recovering quickly from elbow injuries.
FDA-approved study uses adipose cells for treatment of shoulder injuries.
According to this article, the physicians and scientists at Sanford Health to work with the FDA to use adipose stem cells for rotator cuff tears in a trial.
New clinical trial focuses on cells healing shoulder injuries.
Patients in this article report improvements following adipose (fat) stem cell injections to treat pain and inflammation.
Could regenerative cells replace hip replacement surgery?
This article explores the possibility that stem cells could one day replace the need for hip replacements for the right patients.
PDGF-AB and 5-Azacytidine induce conversion of somatic cells into tissue-regenerative multipotent cells.
This report explores the idea that tissue-regenerative multipotent stem cells (iMS cells) could safely promote tissue regeneration.
Cell treatments may help knee arthritis.
This study explores the idea that stem cells may reduce pain and inflammation in patients with arthritis of the knee.
Key cells for repairing knee joints identified.
A five year study identified key stem cells that help repair knee joints.
Intra-articular injection in the knee of adipose derived stromal cells (stromal vascular fraction or SVF) and platelet rich plasma for osteoarthritis.
In this study, SVF is explored as a possible treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee and all patients are reportedly pleased with the results.
Cell treatment effective in anterior cruciate ligament tear.
Among other common injuries, doctors report that stem cells can help speed up the recovery process in anterior cruciate ligament tears.
Cell therapy a possible treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
This article covers potentially promising developments that could lead to a brighter tomorrow for patients with RA.
Legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus says cell therapy cured his back pain.
Jack Nicklaus is a legend in the golfing community, and returned to golf after he says stem cell therapy helped cure his back pain.
Researchers succeed in cultivating cartilage from regenerative cells.
Researchers report harvesting stable joint cartilage from adult stem cellsin an experiment at the University Hospital of Basel.
According to Fox News, the first stem cell study of bipolar disorder offers hope for better treatments.
Loren Grush with Fox News reports that scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School and the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Researcher Fund transformed skin cells from people with bipolar disorder into neurons that mimicked those found in their brains.
First cell model for bipolar disorder could lead to new treatments.
The model exposed by researchers at the University of Michigan could allow new treatment options for bipolar disorder.
Cell therapy reverses blindness in animals with end-stage retinal degeneration.
A study that reversed blindness in mice is getting closer to being used for humans.
Cells could be used to repair vision damage.
A center in India is researching ways to restore vision to the blind including those affected by retinitis pigmentosa.
A groundbreaking cell treatment prevented a woman from going blind.
Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells made in a lab were used to treat a woman's macular degeneration and stopped it in its tracks.
Cell Therapy offers hope for autism.
In a study of 25 children with autism conducted by Duke University, more than two-thirds of the participants reportedly experienced improvements
.'Love handles' transformed into cells that produce insulin.
Fat cells harvested from a patient's abdomen can become pancreatic cells and produce insulin and could one day be a form of treatment for patients with diabetes.
Diabetes cured in mice using pancreas grown through cell therapy.
One day, a similar technique could be used to cure humans who have diabetes.
Parkinson’s disease: how could cells help?
While Parkinson's currently has no cure, scientists are investigating options that could potentially show promise for treatment.
Researchers are using cells to end neurological disorders.
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles are studying ways to bring an end to neurological disorders with stem cells.
Cell transplants may advance ALS treatment by repairing blood-spinal cord barrier.
A study by researchers at Researchers at the University of South Florida demonstrates that stem cell transplants may help patients with ALSnow that trials with mice have shown possible success.
Cell transplant to tackle Huntington's disease.
Researchers and doctors are going to try and slow the progress of Huntington's disease for patients at Cardiff University.
Cell therapies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: current status of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials.
Current studies suggest that stem cell therapy can repair and replace damaged structures in your lungs. Many cell therapies could potentially help people treat COPD and are currently being investigated as alternatives to traditional COPD treatment options.
Cell therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. How far is it to the clinic?
The team behind a study that showed stem cells could reduce airway inflammation and regenerate alveolus believe stem cell therapy could be the key to the future for COPD treatment.
Unique cells as a potential asthma treatment.
Scientists at The Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute are researching ways to eliminate the damage caused by asthma through stem cell therapy.
Caroline Wyatt: MS 'brain fog' lifted after cell treatment.
BBC Journalist Caroline Wyatt was diagnosed with MS after 25 years of incorrect diagnosis. After flying to get treatment in North America, she felt as if her brain fog had lifted.
Cell treatment for multiple sclerosis shows groundbreaking results.
New studies are demonstrating incredible potential for regenerative medicine to help patients with MS.
Canadian doctors attempting to halt or reverse MS with cell therapy.
Reportedly, doctors have had a 70% success rate at stopping or reversing the disease using new methods.
Stem cell therapy may be effective for multiple sclerosis.
Data from 281 patients with MS indicates that stem cell therapy could help patients with some forms of MS.
Experimental SkinGun heals burns using regenerative cells.
A new kind of medical tool could help patients heal from burns in a procedure that only takes 90 minutes.
This "skin gun" squirts regenerative cells and helps burn victims regrow their skin in just a few days.
With stem cell technology advancing all the time, there may be ways to heal from burns quickly using stem cell products that regenerate a patient's skin.
First paralyzed human treated with stem cells has regained his upper body movement.
Read Kristopher Boesen's nightmare turned victory as he regains some upper body movement following stem cell therapy treatments.
Nine months in, cell-based therapy for spinal cord injury continues to improve paralyzed patients’ lives.
CIRM reports that Asterias' press release shows that patients were still improving 9 months after stem cell therapy treatments for their injuries.
Bill passes, allowing Texans to use own cells for treatment.
Great news for Texans like Dr. Richard Neel who will no longer need to travel out of the country to get treatment.
Recent advances, hurdles, and limitations affecting cell therapy for sensorineural hearing loss.
This review discusses the recent advances in SC research in sensorineural hearing loss with the subsequent sections discussing the possible hurdles and limitations that currently preclude their clinical application.
Combatting hair loss, celebrity cricketer Shane Warne gets cell therapy.
Many people have turned to cell therapy and PRP to help combat hair loss. Among them, a smiling Shane Warne gets treatments in the hopes of looking younger for longer.
Celebrity hairstylist and clinician agree, cell therapy might be the next big treatment for thinning hair.
After seeing benefits for patients, they've even decided to run clinical trials for these treatments to test the possibilities.
PRP treatments may be effective against baldness.
A clinical trial uses adipose tissue in an attempt to beat baldness by stimulating and regenerating follicles.
Researchers identify 'signal' crucial to stem cell function in hair follicles.
A research team at the University of Calgary published a study that identifies key factors that could help with future dermal therapies and hair regeneration.
Cell Therapy could hold key to treating brain injuries.
In trials funded by the National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense, doctors seek brain treatments that could save lives and restore brain function for patients.
Patient avoids amputation with cell therapy.
Chip Gagnier went from requiring an amputation for his leg to golfing after an experimental stem cell treatment regenerated blood vessels in his leg, and he hopes the FDA will approve it to treat other patients.
Study shows cell therapy may be safe for stroke patients.
According to researchers, a multi-center study seems to indicate that stem cell therapy treatments for stroke patients were well tolerated and safe.
The cell dynamics of wound healing.
Researchers have uncovered how wound healing is affected by stem cell therapy.
Patient with severe burns treated using cell therapy.
After falling into a boiler and suffering burns to everything below the neck one patient is recovering at an unprecedented rate with the help of stem cell therapy.
We can now use regenerative cells to grow functioning kidney tissue.
A proof-of-principle study was able to create mostly functional human kidneys inside of a living organism.